Up next on my reading list. 

Stop saying sorry if you want to say thank you. #love

Been sipping on this chocolate tea lately with almond milk - perfect at work if I'm craving something sweet.

Meditation for Real Life is a sweet, simple series by the NY Times - this one is particularly helpful for New Yorkers. 

After loving up New Orleans last week, finding myself playing this

Bookworms: Ever get book overwhelm? I do. Check out The Simple Plan To Read More.  Love how this article breaks down reading into small goals in order to get through your books in an organized + methodical fashion. Smalls manageable goals = less overwhelm. 

Staying Present and Grounded in the Age of Information Overload and now I can't wait to listen to this podcast

Made this green detox soup yesterday but tripled the garlic and also added juice of 1 lemon - warning: not for the faint at heart but I really enjoyed it.